And I’m Like… (Reviewing NXT January 20th 2016)

How are we doing today? Life is slow at the restaurant, it’s pretty slow everywhere in the city. After Christmas hangover, tax preparation, and cold weather making people want to stay indoors. The staff have come up with a new game to play. It’s called #YOURIT and we take a can of Corn Beef Hash and play tag. If you touch the can your it, if you are it you have to get other people to grab the can or you can hide it in a place you know the person is gonna grab something (on top of their phones, in their coat pockets, on the notepad if they are a server.) It definitely makes work go by faster and adds a bit of paranoia to the day. Alright, onto NXT.

NXT Opening 

 The theme song and video play and we are welcomed to the NXT Arena by the NXT universe and the announcers.

Sami Zayn walks to the ring. Once in the ring he bows to the crowd and we hear a familiar song play.

  Sami Zayn vs. Adam Rose 

 When Adam comes out he acts like he doesn’t like the crowd or his entrance song. Which makes sense because he doesn’t even have a party with him, kind of sad. The crowd ‘Ole’s’ to start off the match as Sami out chain wrestles Adam Rose.

Sami showing off his skills with a reverse leap frog off the bottom rope into a spinning twisting arm drag. Adam Rose back in NXT is weird, he was such a cult sensation before he left. Now he is a shell of his former self like Emma once was. Only problem is Emma didn’t have a main roster storyline, Adam does. On the main roster he is part of a four man crew that banded together because they were social outcasts. On NXT Adam was the MOST social, so social he had a party take him to the ring. So as NXT fans we can’t cheer him like we do the Ascension, but he doesn’t do much to get booed either. You can almost see how much he hates what he is doing on his face. 

 NXT Arena knows how to react to a match though and still boo when they need to. Like when Rose puts his arms to the side and talks to the crowd. As Sami is in a headlock the crowd chants “Let’s go Sami” and clap their hearts out until Sami is able to comeback. Just for a second though, Adam is able to come back with some strikes and LOUD chops.

The chops light up Sami’s chest and Sami’s chest heats up a fire in the man who begins to mount a comeback but Rose is well aware of how wrestling works and hits the ropes so Sami falls off the top rope. BY GAWD Adam Rose hit a Harley Race headbutt!!! 

 The crowd isn’t really into this match but I am really enjoying it. Sami is still full of ring rust and can’t quite string together enough moves to mount any sort of offense, Adam is staying on top of Sami but isn’t really going for pins. When Rose does attempt a pin Sami’s resiliency kicks in and he kicks out. Zayn is able to pull out a victory by doing a flash Koji Clutch. 

 And I’m Like… We all knew Adam was losing, that’s why the crowd was mostly on their hands. The wrestlers told a cohesive story that I enjoyed so I can’t complain much about the match. Sami is shaking off the rust to get us to the Number 1 Contender match next week, and Adam Rose is here…

  Johnny Gargano is asked if he is ready for Samoa Joe. “I know what Joe is all about, he is one of the most accomplished wrestlers of his generation. I know he is a little upset that he didn’t walk out of London the NXT Champion, so he has been taking it out on everyone else. He is a school yard bully, and he thinks he is gonna get in the ring with me tonight, and intimidate me? Rich I got a question, How do you handle a bully? You walk up to him… and you punch him in his mouth. Samoa Joe better bring everything he has tonight, because Johnny Gargano is all heart. As long as my heart is beating, Johnny Wrestling will not back down.”

  American Alpha are cutting a promo outside Full Sail. They say everyone is talking about the tag team of the year award that they were not even nominated for. Peep Jordan in the Dusty Rhodes shirt.. Jordan and Gable said they beat Blake and Murphy in 2015, who were nominated. Gable says that award still hurts though, kinda jabs him. Jordan says Gable told him one time that they are gonna be going up. They point out how they are the Alpha team in NXT, Jordan points out how Gable was in the Olympics, Gable points out how great Jordan was in NCAA. They say they are the Alpha Americans while in conversation with each other. Gable says “we are American Alpha and says “no that’s stupid” Jordan says no it is really good. They said it should be their team name because as Jordan puts it “It’s strong” Gable said “yeah that’s why I said it, I was thinking it before but I forgot, that’s why I said it.” Then Chad tells Blake and Murphy that next week American Alpha are “Ready Willing and..” he looks to Jordan to finish it but Jordan doesn’t look like he will, just when Chad succumbs to that thought, Jordan puts his hand on Chad’s back and says “Gable” Chad says “That is so sick and gets sicker every time.” 

 And I’m Like… For real with these guys!!! How can they make a team name segment turn out to be a buddy conversation with a name they just “happen upon”. This is some next level buddy comedy shit. All day with American Alpha… All Day.

  Tye Dillinger vs. Apollo Crews

Tye Dillinger most definitely has his entrance down. He has so much charisma, I just wished there was something to be done with it. His character needs something we can sink our teeth into emotionally. Since he loses all the time, maybe have him realize he isn’t perfect but let’s us know he still has to live it and be it cause he chose it. Then when he goes on a winning streak we have a reason to get behind him. There needs to be something though, the hands and taunts can only go so far.

Apollo Crews comes out and I feel like I’ve seen this match before. As Tye applies a headlock to Apollo I get kind of lost in the match and the announcers because they are arguing about who should be giving stuff to Tye Dillinger.

Tom argues with Corey Graves that Tye is a judge. Corey says Tye isn’t a judge but Tom says why does he give people 10’s then?


 Dillinger picks up the pace and dives at Apollo hits his knee to the face finisher and looks very frustrated and confused when Apollo kicks out at two.

Tye was figuring out what to do with Apollo seated on the top rope and Crews took that moment to capitalize on his offense. A too easy enziguri and crazy powerbomb later. Apollo Crews is our winner. 

Crews grabs the mic says he isn’t the wrestler that likes a match to end in DQ. He  “wants to finish what started a few months ago, finish what was started a few months ago, and I wanna see how it ends.” He is asking for a one-on-one match with Finn Balor but he doesn’t want it for the belt. Corey Graves tells him to get in line. Apollo is taunting as his music plays.

And I’m Like… That was a match to strengthen Apollo after his loss to Baron Corbin. Poor Tye, I am hoping some sort of story comes down the pipeline for him. He might be new CJ Parker and Solomon Crowe. Where whoever they need to build will have to wrestle him first. Not a bad gig being the Mike Sharpe of NXT but those types of career’s are not where the money is. Hopefully something catches soon.

  Blake and Murphy are in their awesome shirts. They make fun of the new name American Alpha. Then Alexa gets all mad and says “you start and stop here, got it” She tells Blake and Murphy, she is not happy they humiliated her in London. She said they blew it by not winning. She says they are better than what they showed in London, Alexa says she is gonna lead by example. She says it will be fun to slap Bayley around.  She promises that it won’t be pretty. She then tries some Bliss pun that I didn’t like or really hear that well.

The Vaudevillains are doing a heel turn vignette… The guy that opens their theme song got slowed down and the Villains made this face.. 

  We see a video package of Kevin Owens showing up to Milwaukee to confront Sami Zayn. That would have been amazing.

  Baron Corbin vs. Rich Swann 

 I am familiar with Rich Swann’s name, not his wrestling. I am excited to see him wrestle but I don’t have much excitement for the match because the theme of the night is all guys in title contention have won their match in convincing fashion. Baron is in the three way next week so I am thinking he will win.

The NXT crowd seems to have a different type of crowd. They aren’t really into smarmy chants like normal. What a welcome change. Rich is trying to use his speed to outmatch Baron, but Baron catches him and overpowers him easy. Swann is selling in a way I am not used to, it is very good, his bumps are bumps I have not seen, a front flip flop off a back body drop and landing on his ass after a hard irish whip to the corner. 

Swann is hitting faced paced offense and hard strikes. There was a nearfall I fell for after strong kick to Corbin’s face. Rich takes no breathes though and goes to the top rope. Swann misses a jump into nothing and Corbin hits the end of days but Corey Graves calls it “Deep 6” ?

And I’m Like… That was a fun match, Swann gots wings on his trunks. I hope they are Swann rings. Corey says Deep 6 a few more times. I don’t know how long I will be into Rich Swann until he has a character. Wrestling ability is always impressive, but I am a fan that likes emotions behind the stories behind the matches. That was my first impression though and I am glad I am able to see Rich Swann wrestle. It’s cool that it still follows the Baron Corbin “indie killer” storyline where he demolishes all the “internet darlings”. Since Swann has had a 10+ year career in wrestling he falls under that tree.

  Carmella and Bayley are besties and talking about how excited they are to have a match against each other. They will put their friendship aside for the belt but tonight is about shutting up Emma and Alexa Bliss. NXT Tag Champs Dash and Dawson show up and slow clap into frame.  They say they have a nickname for Carmella and its “Carms”.

They just want to say congrats to Carm. “Just like your G’s Enzo and Cass, never win when it matters.” They hope Baymella will still be a thing after that match because “Carms your just like Enzo and Cass all fluff and no stuff” Bayley calms Carmella down and says save it for the tag match.

  Emma and Alexa Bliss w/ Dana Brooke vs. Bayley and Carmella

Emma and Dana come out doing their thing that they always do, as a team. Alexa comes out to a new song and does the Maryse hand gesture. Alexa upset Emma right quick.

Carmella came out and moonwalked, she has a lot of energy and I am glad she don’t have a mic. I really can’t stand how often Corey mentions looks on the women. Can we get passed that please?

Bayley comes out and honestly it feels like she is the leader of the pack. The reaction, the way she carries herself, and the confidence on her face. I don’t see Izzy in her normal spot, strange. After the air fives to the crowd the bell rings.

  Emma and Alexa attack Baymella from behind. They throw Carmella out and punch Bayley repeatedly. Bayley is selling the beating but she pulls the Bret Hart in Royal Rumble 1994. See Bret, though beaten, wanted to protect his brother. Bayley, though hurting, will start the match because she wants to protect Carmella.


 Emma and Alexa are exchanging quick tags, double teaming Bayley, and Dana Brooke is yelling in her face “Playtime is Over”. Alexa slows the match down with a NXT lock. 

 Carmella is begging for a tag. Bayley is trying to fight her way to Carmella but she has injured ribs and Emma is able to make it to attack Carmella before Bayley can text. Bayley fights back anyways as Dana Brooke is SCREAMING from ringside. Bayley keeps getting distracted and Emma is able to Emmamite sandwich her. 

 Alexa Bliss is pounding on Bayleys back and shows her inexperience by going to the NXT Lock well again. Carmella is trying hard to get the crowd involved but they are kinda quiet. Bayley is able to hot tag. 

 Carmella is quick to attack but Alexa is not quick to get back up and take the beating. They go through some moves that seem to be Carmella’s signatures. A running kick in the corner, a head scissors, and a taunt and running thingy into the corner. Corey calls it a “bronco buster” type maneuver.

Carmella does a leg attack that turns into her submission finisher. Alexa taps out. 

 And I’m Like… That match was presented to add credibility to Carmella. She got the hot tag and got all her signatures and finisher in. Now we are well acquainted with some of her moves for believable near falls. Alexa Bliss is a manager so she can take the loss, that doesn’t hurt Dana and Emma either. I like it.

  Finn Balor gets interviewed. Finn says “we are gonna do what we do best in NXT and that;s settle tings in the ring.” He says tings haha.

  Samoa Joe vs. Johnny Gargano

Joe has his entrance down pat where he throws the hang loose up right as the beat breaks. I think Joe and Sami will feud while Baron and Finn feud. That means Baron is winning next week. Corey Graves says “Johnny Gargano might end up being in the Royal Rumble” Samoa Joe is grinding his forearms in Johnny’s face as the ref counts to four. Joe gets thrown to the outside and when Gargano goes for a kick to the face of Joe, Joe shuffle kicks Gargano’s feet and sweeps him face first into the apron. Joe then gets his shit in by hitting all his signuatures.




 Johnny fires back with fighting spirit He hits hard hitting strikes, but gets kicked in the leg and does a Mr. Perfect leg sell flip, landing on his head. OUCH!

Joe runs at Gargano and kicks him hard to the floor. This is an A+ ass kicking. Joe is standing there and letting the ref count to 9 until Johnny crawled back into the ring. This match is really showcasing Gargano’s never say die attitude. Gargano is throwing everything he has at Joe, a double enziguri and a rope assisted floating DDT. Gargano goes for his mid-rope spear but Joe kicks Johnny dead in the face. Follow that with a Coquina Clutch and Joe is the victor. 

 And I’m Like… So into matches that play into character strengths. Johnny tells us earlier in the night that he will not stop fighting if his heart is beating. He took the fight to Joe and took quite a damn ass kicking. Kept coming back though. Joe’s character is the IDGAF veteran who has figured out being an asshole gets you what you want. That is a dangerous man. He fought Gargano with stiff strikes and reckless abandon, they complimented each other perfectly. 

 I am happy NXT is back on the regular weekly’s, wrestling is so much fun when done right, and NXT happens to do that the most. I mentioned this in a previous post, but NXT is more enjoyable because it is a wrestling show with a creative team steeped in wrestling knowledge. Raw is a variety show with wresting that has writers with vastly different life experiences. That’s why NXT gives us the wrestling show we want and Raw frustrates us. HHH knew WWE needed a way to keep the wrestling lifers satiated during the waning years of McMahon’s reign. NXT is perfect for that, and it can poach from the indies like a young Vince McMahon poached from the territories in the early 80’s.

Thank you for the read, please like and share and stuff, that helps everyone involved. Your the best and win all the cool points for the day if you do.

Have a good one either way.










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