And I’m Like… (Payin Dues Reviewing NWA:Smoky Mountain May 7th, 2016)

Hello everybody! We are back in Tennessee for NWA Smoky Mountain TV. This week we are treated to highlights of the NWA Smoky Mountain U.S. Tag Title Gauntlet Match and the finals to the NWA Smoky Mountain Cup. The last few weeks have been leading to this moment. They have already told us who the winner is, but we now get to see how he won it!

Matt Rhodes Opens

Matt Rhodes opens the program and thanks us for watching. He lets us know that Collision Course is tonight (May 7th, 2016). It is going on as I review this show, seems like an exciting show!

Smoky Cup Finals- Six Way Elimination Match

Chase Owens vs. Jordan Kage vs. Jason Kincaid vs. Ali Shabazz vs. Anthony Henry vs. Jimmy Rave

The match starts and we are already underway. Anthony Henry is beating on Jimmy Rave. This isn’t a tornado rules match, it’s elimination but the match goes one-on-one format until there is one man standing.

Rave was tagged by Shabazz, Kincaid tagged Anthony. Rhodes was putting over how these guys have all had near 20 minute matches tonight to get to the finals. Kincaid pointed to Chase Owens. Shabazz tagged Owens in and Kincaid quickly tagged Jordan Kage. Jason is doing that mind game business.

Chase was distracted by Dylan Sizemore, Jordan got a move it but then Chase ran and did a sliding kick to Dylan to knock him on his keister. Anthony decided to jump off the apron on Chase Owens. Sizemore had to walk to the back after getting hit. Chase got worked over by Jordan Kage, Kage tagged Rave and Jimmy starts stretching Chase.

Owens is getting worked over by 60% of the men in the match. Anthony Henry comes in and starts to wear Chase down as well. It seems Owens is the number one threat to the other wrestlers because they are all targeting Owens.

The more Owens gets beat on the more excited Kincaid gets. He claps for Anthony to beat on Chase more. Kincaid comes off as a prick that only wishes pain and suffering to Chase Owens. He must see Chase as a top rival and always want to keep the man down.

Shabazz hasn’t been tagged in, neither has Kincaid. The other three guys are beating Owens down. Kincaid seems to be playing the match the smartest and Rhodes points out that we must consider Kincaid’s gameplan as genius.

Owens is able to make what seems like a hot tag to Shabazz, and the “human action figure” is taking out Rave and Anthony Henry. Kincaid ran in the ring and took Shabazz down. Then Rave hit an apron move on Jordan Kage. Everyone is laid out except for Ali and Anthony Henry. Anthony dives off the top rope and hits a backstabber.

Anthony runs to dive out of the ring and Kincaid catches him with a stunner. Follwed that with a neckbreaker and a rebound Falcon Arrow for another elimination. We are now down to Rave, Kincaid, Kage, and Owens.

Chase is resting in the corner, he was beaten pretty bad at the beginning of the match. Jordan Kage is still laid out from Rave’s attack. Kincaid kicked out at two after a pin attempt by Rave. Rave offers to tag Owens who really wants to beat up Kincaid. Rave fakes the tag and won’t let Owens get Kincaid. That is smart! Make us want the Kincaid Owens explosion and tease it to make us want it more. I love it.

I am not mentioning what the commentators are saying really, not because it isn’t relevant, but because it accents the match so well that I kind of forget it is going on and zone out to the story in the ring.

Kincaid gets put into the crossface by Rave. Jason gets to the ropes and Jason looks spent. As Kincaid was being wastelocked by Rave he told Owens to ‘Suck It’ Owens ran at him but hit Rave instead!! Kincaid hits his finish and Jimmy is eliminated.

Owens jumps in the ring and hits a double axe handle from the top rope, he does a little Macho Man spin afterwards as well! Owens, once he got his hands on Kincaid, is dominant. I understand why Kincaid would want Chase to be beat down before they faced off.

Chase did that sliding kick/baseball slide kick to the outside again, that must be a signature move for him. These two are wrestling in the crowd and all over. Kincaid lands a boot to the face of Owens who was just laying on a chair. Kincaid starts taunting to the crowd saying “Die, Chase, Die” Like he was Sideshow Bob. Owens shows a crazy amount of strength by deadlifting Kincaid, throwing Jason onto his shoulders.

He fireman carries Kincaid and hits like 3 moves at such a high speed. Kincaid goes for his finisher “Fireflies” but Owens grabs Jason’s leg and pins him for three. Kincaid came in and piledrove Owens.

Rhodes is loving this and sounds so excited, making the match seem more exciting. Jordan Kage ran in and everyone is shocked because they forgot he was on the outside. Owens kicks out, Jordan does a few more moves and a top rope attack. Owens KICKS OUT!!

We are reminded that Chase is always a fighting. Chase accidently roaring elbow’s the referee. Kage goes for the hangman’s piledriver. Chase reverses it. Owens is able to hit a roaring elbow and then Chris Richards comes out. Rhodes says Owens and Richards once were friends.

Richards grabs Jordan Kage by the throat. Chase pushes Richards away and says he doesn’t need his help. Richards starts leaving but then double chokebombs Owens. Jordan Kage gets the pin and the win.

Toby Farley is presenting the cup to Jordan. Richards and Kage and Sizemore are in the ring. Rhodes is afraid for Toby. Cage celebrates with his foot on Chase Owens. The commentator’s are in shock. With the cup victory makes you a number one contender for the title.

And I’m Like… There is so much going on in that match. The stories were fun, Owens wanting to face Kincaid, but Kincaid playing cat and mouse and hiding like a mouse. Owens taking the brunt end of most of the offense and surviving. Kincaid being right in staying away from Chase because Owens is the one that put him away. Having Kage hide out and then steal the win is great for boo’s too! Who ever put that match together should be proud.

Sizemore, Kage, Richards and some other guy. Sizemore hypes up Collision Course. Sizemore has a Jim Cornette appeal to him. He doesn’t have that annoying of a voice, but his cadence from going fast to slow to accentuate certain aspects of his promo. Putting over his guys and still building up his opponents. He has talent.


Collision Course is going on right now as I type this so it’s a little to post pictures of the card. I am sure we will see some of these matches on Smoky Mountain TV.

We can show these though!


Rhodes is back and says at Collision Course Chase Owens and X-Pac will go up against Richards and Kage.

Rhodes is going to show us highlights of Tag Team Turmoil. He said we will see just how Air America became the new tag champions.

The Giants of Gehenna come out, they are the United States Tag Team Champions and look like they got their masks from a young Jason Voorhees. Sigmon dove at one of the giants and is laid out on the outside.

Elliot is by his lonesome at the moment. One of the Giants, not sure his name, the one with lots of hair, (Travis Lee) hit a bodyslam and pin for the win. Now The Giants wait for the next entrants.

Wild Bill and Nick Hammonds come out. Wild Bill reminds me of some wrestler in the 70’s. He is more agile than those guys, he just seems out of a different era.

Richards got the control of Wild Bill and tagged in Travis Lee. Toby is bringing up beard and hair length and how it relates to wrestling. Rhodes continues the conversation for a bit. Nick is trying to do something… anything to Travis Lee, and nothing works. He looks like a true mountain man.

Chris Richards comes in and works over Nick Hammonds, the commentators put over the fact that Chris Richards has been in this area the longest, out of the current roster.They relate Travis Lee to a big bear. That is spot on. I kind of like that the tag division has secondary titles.

Wild Bill was mildly tagged in, he beat on Richards a bit until Travis Lee came in and tossed Bill around. Richards was able to get an easy pin.

Air America came out and went right at The Giants. I am not sure of Air America’s actual names, I know Skyler but not who is Skyler.. Rhodes was a little melancholy until Air America hit a Superkick and it seemed to wake him up.

Gavin was trying to choke out Travis, it didn’t work, Air America is hitting top rope moves, SUUUUUPER kicks, tons of attacks and a splash. AIR AMERICA WINS.

And I’m Like… The YouTube description says that it is highlights of Tag Team Turmoiol. We only missed like 5 minutes of the match and the rest was shown. This was the whole match. The segment ends with Heatseekers asking and receiving a shot for the title. Rhodes says he is excited for the six-way tonight. That should have been edited out or this tag should have been put on first. I don’t have much to say on the match, lot’s going on. I was impressed by the size of The Giants of Gehenna, and some of their moves. Hopefully Collision Course goes well for them.

We get a weird video of Kincaid that yells about being tossed away. He says he is a shell of his former glory. He said being a champion for 4 and a half years is too F&$%^$# long. He says that people try to take his title away. He says he is too F#@$@$ good. He says he will be champion until he dies. Repeats “til I die, til I die” (that would be a good shirt if it isn’t already) He says it is a curse he brought upon himself.

Thank you for reading, but please support local wrestling by sharing likeing and tweeting and all that, it’s greatly appreciated.

Have a Good One





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