And I’m Like… (Payin Dues Reviewing NWA: Smoky Mountain

Hello everyone! I am gonna get right into the review for two raisnis. 1. I had the busiest week at the diner since I started the business three years ago and just want to watch wrestling! 2. Smoky Mountain just finished their Smoky Mountain Cup (which when I started reviewing the show was just getting started), which has me excited to see what is next with the promotion.

NWA: Smoky Mountain 

Matt Rhodes Opens the show

Rhodes tells us about Collision Course. It was so packed that they had to have fans stand because they didn’t have enough chairs. He runs down what we are going to see tonight, we even get highlights of Chase Owens and X-Pac vs. Chris Richards and Jordan Cage. He wastes no time in taking us to those highlights.

And I’m Like… I get such a Bill Mercer/Ed Whalen/ Gordon Solie vibe from Matt Rhodes. That bit of seriousness and legitimacy. When WCCW/Stampede/Bunch of Southern Promotions started, we were welcomed by a familiar face that would walk us into the action. I kinda of already associate NWA: Smoky Mountain with Matt’s voice and likeness. He is the “voice of Southern Wrestling” like Mick Karch is the “voice of Minnesota Wrestling”. 

Chase Owens and X-Pac vs. Chris Richards and Jordan Kage w/Dylan Sizemore

It’s kind of cool to see NWO/DX/Bullet Club all being represented in this match. Does anyone know if this is the first time guys affiliated with those factions have teamed?

We get into the match just as Jordan Kage ran into Chris Richards. Chase does a beautiful slingshot back breaker. As Chase runs to the ropes, Richards grabs Owens by the foot and pulls Owens to the outside, all the while Chase’s high pony bounces.

Richards is now beating over Chase Owens. X-Pac looks on and wants the tag, he seems to have an injured shoulder. Pac is in his DX/NWO trunks and Owens in his Bullet Club regalia, it’s kinda a cool visual.

The only times I have seen X-Pac at an indie event, is here, and at Jerry Lynn’s retirement show. The one where X-Pac ripped his butthole open… I mean I know buttholes are already open, but like tore it and stuff…. That is a reminder to anyone trying to do a Bronco Buster, you could tear your asshole a new asshole.

Chase is wrestling like he doesn’t need X-Pac though, he hits a kick on both members of the Agency. Chase makes the tag though, and X-Pac comes in like a house of fire. (Fun Fact, people from my town love X-Pac because he used to live in the city next to us and well local celebrity and such)

X-Pac does a Bronco Buster!! Oh GOD! Look out for that butthole buddy! He seemed to have hit the move without any problems. Pac was hit from behind by Kage who told Pac to Suck It! Chase ended up hitting a Rolling Elbow on Kage and was able to get the pin. That didn’t sit to well with The Agency’s manager Dylan Sizemore (#teamsizematters).

We now cut to an allyway. Chase gets caught and beat down by Kage and Richards. Dylan keeps yelling to “get em” They had an idea… It was throwing him into a wall.. These guys and their wild ideas!! Well Chase got rocked, and Dylan says that Chase needs to find someone to tag with him because in June they are gonna leave Chase “dead, like we left you laying now!”

And I’m Like… The highlights and backstage segment seems to be there to build on to the next showdown between Owens and Kage. I am interested in seeing where this goes. I haven’t seen too much of Chase Owens outside of the ring, I know he has tons of skill inside the ring. I can get past that haircut and cheer for him, but I would rather boo someone with that hairstyle. Kage has talked a bit but not enough to let me know who he is as a character. I hope to see more from these two, talking and wrestling wise.

Matt Rhodes is talking about how Chase was beaten down but will be ready on June 24th. Rhodes unbuttoned his coat so he doesn’t have a floating head anymore. Nash and Hall will be there on June 24th. Buff Bagwell will be tagging with Chase Owens. Chase seems to have found out the inroad to the factions of wrestling. If you were in a dominant faction, you can tag with Chase. Real recognize Real. I guess all factions give Respek to one another.

Eric Darkstorm vs. Ali Shabazz

YOU GUYS!!! There is an entrance and graphics!!! That is  something I haven’t seen yet on the show. One guy is chanting “Eric Darkstorm” lol ONE GUY!

Many more cheers for Ali Shabazz. I really like that the graphic and entrance are there, it’s easier to get into the match. Having Rhodes breakdown the card, then having graphics and entrances makes it easier to follow the product.

There was a little bit of chain wrestling, but Darkstorm decided to brawl with chops and high knee lifts. The Matt’s talk about how Darkstorm looks really good, best shape he has ever been in.

Darkstorm is already choking Shabazz and doing crossface forearms. Rhodes says Eric was missing for a bit and no one knew the reason, but he is back now. Ali is the “Human Action Figure” and seems to be having trouble with Darkstorm.

Eric tries for a pin early on but Ali kicked out at one. That made Darkstorm reapply a wear down hold to weaken Shabazz. Darkstorm hits a fist drop on Shabazz follwed by a snapmare and a chinlock. Darkstorm knows Ali has more endurance than he does, so this is smart wrestling, take Shabazz’ breath away.

Ali is able to hit a few clothesines on Eric but that didn’t do much, Darkstorm reverses an Irish Whip attempt and hits a kick to Ali’s shoulder or lke arm or something… That was enough for the win.

And I’m Like… Not much of a story and not much time to get the match to develop something. That shoulder kick in the corner is a strange finishing move. Rhodes was surprised so maybe it isn’t his finisher. Not sure is this was reintroducing Darkstorm to the audience or what. Probably the shortest match I have seen so far.

Because of the commercials, I think I know more businesses in Kingsport than I do in the cities surrounding my home.

Kaos vs. Dixon Line

The graphic just said Kaos, but it is a six man team. I know the Hardliners are part of it but I don’t know if Kaos is the wrestler or the team name. I am unsure of the manager too. I tried googling The Hardliners but all I found were a couple of Dick pictures of the Murdoch and Slater variety.

Dixon Line comes out to Seperate Ways by Journey, which INSTANTLY makes Matt Rhodes a fan. Being a Journey fan is the first fact I learned about Matt Rhodes through his commentary!

Matt Rhodes runs down who Kaos is. It’s a stable run by Judas The Mad Hatter consisting of Onslaught (guy in mask) and The Hardliners who are Jeff Connolly and Bryan Montgomery. Joe Keyes and Rob Locke make up Dixon Line and they are the security to Ken Dixon. Thanks Matt.

Jeff Connolly starts off wrestling Rob Locke. We do some chain wrestling to start the match off. I know I give Chase Owens guff for having Wes Briscoe hair. I would much rather see that hair style than the FIFA looking haircut of Rob Locke. I feel like when he isn’t wrestling or playing futball in Eurpoe Rob is planting an organic garden. Connolly was able to kick out after an onslaught (pun so intended) by Dixon Line.

Ken Dixon… He is wearing a hair/headband, like what Locke uses for his FIFA hair. It is so meaningless, yet shows team synergy. Onslaught tags in, we are told he has only wrestling for a year, and damn if he isn’t like the MOST old school wrestler. A husky gentlemen with a mask and a singlet.

Dixon Line are matching, Kaos is not. Kaos wrestles their namesake, by attempting a double team, but getting confused as hell on how to do it.

Cooper and Rhodes say that Dixon Line would be a good edition to their roster. I bet it’s cause Rhodes wants to hear Journey more! Dixon Line is now getting beat on and not able to help Ken Dixon. Connolly goes over and taunts Dixon Security and they rush into the ring, that draws the attention of the referee, leaving Kaos to do work on Ken Dixon. I keep wanting to type Ken Davis!

Onslaught hurt his back while doing an offensive maneuver, he almost let Ken get the tag but was able to tag out. Joe Keyes ges the hot tag after Dixon reverses a double suplex. He is able to nearly take out all of Kaos, when he went for a pin, Onslaught broke up the pin.

Onslaught was then taken out, but Hardliners were able to hit the, what Rhodes called “Oh  good God.” Snapshot DDT. That is their new finisher and it definitely finished Dixon Line.

And I’m Like… That match was fun for me. I was introduced to tons of new guys and got to see what they bring to NWA: Smoky Mountain. I was most impressed with Ken Dixon and was most intrigued by Judas The Mad Hatter and what he is all about. Very distinct look and name. For the amount of time that match got, I was still a fan!

and guy from Tennessee Title Loans commercial “horse fell out of the sky” is not a good excuse for why you need a car loan for your exploded car.

Rhodes says June 24th is a show with Hall and Nash. Just go here and buy tickets already.

Facade w/ Dani vs. Gory

Gory has a scary demon mask with wings, it sounds like he is coming out to hip-hop, but he is masked and from Iowa.. so it should be Slipknot right?

I RECOGNIZE  FACADE’S music though!!! (Go Ninja, Go Ninja, GO), If Matt Rhodes liked Dixon Line because of their entrance music, I am gonna like Facade because the “Neon Ninja” comes out to Vanilla Ice’s Ninja Rap!!! For real, never thought how sweet that would be as an entrance song.

Facade looks like he should be onstage at a Kottonmouth Kings concert. Maybe he would just be in the crowd…  Smoky Mountain cameramen gave us this sweet camera shot though..

Gory looks like a drawing from a kid who shops at Hot Topic. The crowd is chanting for them though. Cooper says the women and children are cheering Facade, men cheer for Gory. Rhodes says he won’t tell us that “the crowd is weird and cheer for who they shouldn’t” Rhodes says each guy appeals to members of the crowd differently and that’s why they get cheered.

Gory and Facade are going balls to the wall already, there is flips and head stands and leapfrogs and reversals and huge kicks. It is fast paced, until Facade tried to jump at Gory and Gory hid behind Facade’s valet Dani.

Gory starts biting Facade to turn the tide. I gotta tell ya, entrance music alone will have me leaning in your corner, but if you look like Facade, it has me leaning back into the middle. I just don’t dig the dreadlocks and camo look. On the other hand Gory’s in ring work and character wrestling has me becoming a fan of his. JUST AS I TYPE THAT he does a corkscrew dive onto Facade to the outside and Matt Rhodes points out Gory just gained a few new fans with that one. Yes sir!

I really want to see Gory vs. Kincaid right now!

I don’t know if their are two or three cameras, but the camera work is tremendous. Gory starts biting on Facade’s bicep, then Gory does a top rope arm drag after some bouncing on the ropes and almost falling.

Cooper and Rhodes agree that they haven’t seen this side of Gory before. Whatever version came before it, forget it, this Gory is awesome. Facade.. man he is like NWA’s J-Rocknow what I’m sayin?

Gory takes Facade down and slingshots himself into the ring with a knee drop. GORY!! Wins my heart when he argues with the referee while choking Facade. Rhodes says Facade is very competitive, but not at the moment. Gory is there at every turn, he is just as fast and even more technical. Facade is able to reverse a monkey flip by flipping to his feet, then he hits a kip-up into a kick. Gory spit blood out of his mouth, not sure if it was from the kick or from biting Facade. Facade is doing a kicking combination and they all land. As this match continues and Facade does a springboard moonsault for two, I can only think of that Biggie song.. What’s Beef.. apparently these two know what beef is, and have been beefing up and down the East Coast.

Facade flips Gory off the top rope, Facade then walks ON THE ROPES and hits a dropkick, he then cross-corner-springboard-rope-walk-450’s Gory.. Jeez you guys, these dudes are able to tell a physical story of who they are as characters and are able to throw in many vicious moves that are also flippy dippy. These two are sweet you guys! There is so many moves and innovations that I don’t know how to call it. Like a springboard from the apron Codebreaker, or a middle rope hung crossbody to the outside. Facade gets two with a springboard front kick.

Now Facade misses a standing Shooting Star Press and Gory hits a Code Red that if you blinked you f’n missed it. I legit had to rewind the video just to make sure what I saw was what I saw. Yep, it’s what I saw. If Facade would have flipped any farther, he would have landed on his head, which would have technically been a piledriver, which I believe is illegal.

We get a yay/boo spot, and the crowd is behind both guys. Gory goes for a pin but Gory had his feet on the ropes and Dani threw Gory’s feet down. Dani complained to the referee and Gory decided to intimiadate Dani as the commentators get serious voices while talking about how they don’t condone that.

Facade is able to catch Gory and bring him up the second rope. Facade makes me nervous when he does a flipping fallaway slam and holds on the Gory all the way into the pin. That seems dangerous on the neck for Facade, but the move is worth it because he gets the win over Gory.

And I’m Like… WOW! I did not expect the match to turn out that well. I just got done working for 12 hours straight, watching my daughter and talking with the wife for four hours, and not once did I yawn or feel tired or bored throughout this episode. That is amazing because I am exhausted. That shows you how exciting NWA: Smoky Mountain is. The authenticity in Rhodes voice make the matches mean more. The degree of hunger these performers have is admirable, they put it all out there and haven’t failed to impress me yet. Not saying impressing me is such a high watermark, it’s just, damn they put on a good show. They have a roster that can wrestle so many different styles and tell different stories. Southern United States has a gem on their hands with this promotion, I understand the cult like following they have developed.

As I thank you for reading, I thank NWA: Smoky Mountain for another job well done.

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Have a good one!





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