And I’m Like… (Reviewing NWA Smoky Mountain TV May 28th, 2016)

What’s up everyone! I have had a hectic week a bit. I’m starting to work out again after being able to sit down and stuff. I can’t wait to be in shape so working out isn’t as painful for as long! My daughter got her 6 month shots so she needed a little extra attention. Also there has been a guy robbing local businesses in the area and I had the cops stop by my apartment to get my email address to keep me updated. That led to about an hour talk about how our cities police force has been around since the 1880’s and all that fun stuff. I only get about 4 hours a night to either watch TV or blog and so every minute is precious! Let’s not waste anymore and watch some Smoky Mountain TV.

NWA Smoky Mountain TV May 28th, 2016

Matt Rhodes Intro-

Rhodes runs down what we are going to see tonight. Nick Hammonds and Vince Brent are our main event for the show. Matt takes us to March when Hammonds and Brent Vince had a match. This was the week before or the week I started watching the program. I am not too sure on who the guys are.

They show a bit of the match where Vince does a Moonsault Slam from the top rope and lands on his head. Matt Rhodes says Vince is “nursing his spine” and it makes me cringe to think that. They show The Agency’s Jordan Kage and Dylan Sizemore watching the match.

The ref gets knocked down and Dylan and Jordan go to ringside. Dylan gives Hammonds a belt and Vince was given a chain by Jordan Kage. Nick turned that down and threw the belt back at Sizemore. Vince used the chain and punched Nick right in the head for the three count. New Mountain Empire champion Vince Brent aligned with the agency in what I am told was a shocker.

And I’m Like… Thanks for the refresher! I think if Vince wants a way to take the blame off his actions he can say when he landed on his head from the Moonsault Slam he was disoriented and didn’t act like himself. He embraced the evil of the Agency though so the point is kind of moot like telling Jessie’s Girl you love her

Matt let’s know that people are a buzz about the Heatseekers. We get a replay from last week where Air America lost their titles to Elliot Russel and Sigmon. Travis Lee walked out during the match and stole the title belts..

That cuts to the backstage segment where Sigmon gets jumped by The Cabal. Kincaid and Travis Lee say the belts are their property. The roster comes and stops the beatdown.

Rhodes seems pretty serious when he goes over the story. The match with The Cabal and Heatseekers will be on June 24th. That is Summer Bash and The Outsiders will be there. Also Chase Owens (who is a Super Junior in Japan) and Buff Bagwell will face Chris Richards and Jordan Kage. That show looks to be a great time. Too bad I am in Minnesota.

Rhodes then shows us a backstage beatdown of The Agency on Chase Owens where Dylan says he can pick any partner he wants and they will leave him lying dead in the ring. Chase is a member of Bullet Club and that means he is faction friends with DX and NWO people. He has already teamed with X-Pac. They were victorious. Now Chase is gonna try his luck with Buff, cause Buff is the stuff.

Then after some commercials we get the Facade vs. Gory match. Which was very good. The finish was a bit scary with Facade almost falling right on top of his head.


Mountain Empire Championship

Nick Hammonds vs. Vince Brent(c) w/ Dylan Sizemore and Kayla

So Vince is getting walked to the ring by Dylan Wayne Sizemore… He dabs… like the dance move, right off the bat, the first thing he does…. You know what.. BOOO! That has become my biggest pet peeve in wrestling, when people dab. I am gonna boo him and boo Dylan because Sizemore is his manager is allowing this dabbing stuff.

They lock up right away and Hammonds gets an advantage but Vince goes right to the ropes. Matt Rhodes points out how Brent has already changed his style and doesn’t really fight out of the move, he’d rather get a rope break.

Brent went back to lock up but Nick was almost able to apply a crossface so Brent ran to the outside and took a 9 second breather. Vince goes back in the ring and then back out so he can talk to Dylan a bit. Rhodes says Sizemore has learned every dirty trick in the book.

Nick can out wrestle Vince at the moment. He keeps twisting and torquing Brent’s arm and Vince can’t really do anything about it. Rhodes says Hammonds knows that Vince has had a couple of car accidents that have injured his shoulder. That’s why Nick is working on the arm so much.

Vince gets to the outside and as Nick follows he gets distracted by Dylan. Vince runs behind Hammonds and pushes him shoulder first into the ring post. Matt Rhodes calls it so well. His voice gets real hurried and worried as he calls the action making you feel like the ring post spot hurts more. As Vince starts taking Nick around to every ring post and working over Hammond’s shoulder. He then dabs…. UGH!! C’mon Hammonds do something here. Even Matt Rhodes is calling Brent an idiot for dabbing.

Talking about Vince’s change of character, Matt Rhodes says “you think you know somebody” and they are in Nashville which made me think of Todd Snider’s When You Think You Know Somebody.

Brent hits a DDT on Hammonds and gets a two count. Vince goes right back to working over the shoulder of Nick Hammonds that was injured just a bit earlier. Nick started to fight back but Vince pulled his hair and slammed Nick’s head to the mat. Then Brent hits some sort of theatrical leg drop with a slap to the face before the leg is dropped. It looked good.

Vince Brent talks to the crowd a bit, which gives room for Nick to get a few punches in. He only got about two in before Vince hits a dropkick. Hammonds’ shoulder is hurting him bad so he gets out of the ring. Brent follows and goes for another ring post attack. Hammonds is able to reverse and drive Vince into the ring post a few times.

Shit gets serious when Hammonds throws Brent into the turnbuckle and one of the cameramen fell off the apron. The show cuts to the fallen camera and both announcers are very serious and quiet. Matt Rhodes apologizes for the somberness. The crowd seems worried, Rhodes keeps apologizing and saying “Jesus Christ” he says he is concerned for the camera guy. Which for real, that was a dangerous fall. I caught just a glimpse in the corner when he fell but you could see people rushing over.

Hammonds and Brent do their best to get attention on them and get people into it. They are hitting big moves and as Brent is going for the Moonsault Slam the show cuts to the fallen camera again. Once back to the match Hammonds pushes Brent off the top rope and misses a top rope dive. Both men are exhausted and fighting to the finish.

Hammonds picks up a running Vince Brent and turns it into the Crossface. Sizemore distracts the referee so Nick let go of the hold. Sizemore gets caught throwing the chain in the ring. As the ref is yelling at Dylan, Nick runs into the ropes and Kayla, Vince Brent’s girlfriend trips Nick Hammonds and Vince Brent is able to get an armbar in for the win. MF’er dabs on his way out too…. psssh.

And I’m Like… That match was great, loved the arm work and shoulder work and how they all had spots that made sense. I really enjoy the matches where there are spots that twist the story a bit. Having Rhodes mention the car accidents led creedence to believing Vince Brent did have weak shoulders. Seeing Nick Hammonds get rammed shoulder first repeatedly into the ring post was another bit to the story. There was so much more from facial expressions to the “new” Vince Brent who wrestled more as a heel. The crazy cameraman falling too. That will stick with me for a bit, if only for how much it shook Matt Rhodes. He kept apologizing for not being all there but it totally wasn’t needed, he was still doing a great job. 

This one had good highlights, TONS OF COMMERCIALS, and a great match. Parts of the show dragged but the ending was well worth it.

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