Today I Learned… From NXT 9/14/2016

Hello everyone! I have not seen any NXT episodes since the last Takeover. We are going to try something a little different. I am going to share some bullet points about the most recent episode of NXT.These bullet points will be what I have learned from watching the show.

Today I Learned… From NXT 9/14/2016

  • Samoa Joe seems to still be on the show. It has been four weeks since he lost the title in Brooklyn. Corey and Tom say that he returned last week and we saw a different side of Joe. He supposedly is not medically cleared to wrestle yet because of how Nak wrecked his jaw.
  • Joe called himself a disgrace while explaining what he did to become champion. Joe seems to have become a babyface through self deprecation.
  • I can not seem to be able to read the facial expressions on Shinsuke Nakamura. He seems to bounce between anger, pondering, interest and some sort of emotion it seems only Nakamura can express. It’s like he has to think of what words he wants to deliver and how he wants to deliver them. The crowd waited as did I with Nakamura’s answer to a rematch request. There was a build up and a “Whooooaaaaaahhhh” as Nakamura slowly answered.. He is more of a charismatic enigma then Jeff Harvey ever was.
  • Do Not Trust Joe! I fell for his about face and he ended up fooling everyone in the NXT Universe by jumping Nakamura from behind and turned The King Of Strong Style into The King of Getting Stretchered Out.
  • Corey Graves is not a medical professional, he said it himself.
  • Joe’s getaway driver is talented and breaks the law by speeding through a parking lot. I know that a speed limit in a parking lot is like 10-15 mph and Joe was at least traveling over 30. Badass.

Rachel Fazio vs. Liv Morgan

  • Rachel Ellering is now Rachel Fazio.. Even though her father manages on the same show and her Twitter handle is still Rachael Ellering.
  • The NXT Woman’s divison seems to be in dire straights in chemistry. The girls seem to be waiting for their spots and you can almost see them remembering what they should do next. I forget that this is still developmental even if it’s a touring brand.
  • Liv Morgan likes to say “no offense” and sorry to you New Jerseyans, but I learned that I can’t stand the deep accent y’all have.  You want to be a heel to me? Use a Jersey accent. She challenges Asuka and we pretty much know how that is going to go.

Drew Gulak vs. Hideo Itami

  • Drew Gulak is tough by only having one pad for his elbows and knees.. Also his slaps sound like gunshots and made some guy in the crowd give off a distinctive laugh that I hope to hear more of.
  • Tom Phillips imagines Drew Gulak beating him up and taking his lunch money.
  • I don’t know what the character or personality types Gulak and Itami are, but I know they hit hard as hell and sometimes that is entertaining enough. Usually to get drawn into a match I prefer being emotionally involved, but sometimes I watch in amazement as these men openly beat the crap out of each other.
  • My cousin thinks Itami stole the GTS from CM Punk which reminds me that for some people “If I saw it in WWE that’s where it happened first” is a thing people think.
  • I am anticipating a Hideo Itami and Nakamura match more and more.

Authors of Pain vs. Enhancement Talents

  • AoP have been around for two months and now have names.. Rezar and Akam. When the announcers say “Rezar” I am immediately reminded of The Secret of the Ooze and now want to hear Ellering scream “They’re Babies!!”
  • The AoP is angry in all of their movements, even after their victory.. I would like to see what makes them happy.

Tye Dillinger

  • Tye is apparently on a winning streak but still has that weird one dimensional  gimmick of being a Perfect 10. Which I get, but don’t get. Could someone explain it to me outside of “He is a Perfect 10”
  • Connor’s Cure is a great charity that also makes me cry.

No Way Jose vs. Bobby Roode

  • If it were a competition of theme songs, I don’t know who I would cheer for. Both men have outstanding songs that get me so excited for life in general. I wonder how long it takes a wrestler to remember all the parts of their theme songs to hit the movements to the music as well as they do. I remember watching Finn Balor tweak his entrance for a few months until he timed the music out with his movements. The first few tries at Finn’s entrance were awkward as hell. Bobby Roode though? Every time is Glorious.
  • Corey Graves says No Way Jose “has that place where he goes”. I wonder if Jose and Orton go to that same place. Michael Cole would always say Orton is “going to that place” where he hears voices.. Is that place near Parts Unknown? Is it a city within Parts Unknown’s limits?
  • I don’t know what Jose’s finisher is because he goes back and forth between the TKO and the Baseball Punch…

Today I Learned… That I like NXT even if I have missed a few weeks. If Raw and Smackdown try and be different from each other, they have some catching up to do because NXT presents itself in such a different way it is sometimes hard to realize they are all the same company.

If you have any comments or insight on tonight’s episode be sure to tell us on Twitter.

Be a kind soul and share this with your friends also.

I am Jake and that is all I know… for now.

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