Today I Learned From… NXT September 28th, 2016

Hi there, Jake here! I am bringing in another edition of Today I Learned From… This episode of NXT opened a lot of doors and shut a few. Let’s dig a little deeper, shall we?


*The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic is back on again! So far, a few teams have been announced, and it is already shaping up to be exciting and less than predictable.

*The opening shot of the crowd shows Izzy, Bayley’s #1 fan. It’s nice to see that even though The Hugger isn’t there, Izzy still shows up.

Tye Dillinger vs. Angelo Dawkins004_nxt_09152016ca_2002-7642aeb02f9b82fbaa8961c889d74f9c

*I don’t know what it is about Tye but he always holds my atTENtion

*Angelo Dawkins’ entrance would be loads better if he had some ground up chalk to throw in the air.Especially if it’s in the opponents face.

*Tye Dillinger is now winning matches in squash form, which means his NXT stock is on the rise.

*The worst thing to say to Tye is that he is “not a 10”. That seems to bring the most anger out of the man.

*Bobby Roode said that the main reason he is in NXT is to win the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic.

*Roode and Dillinger will join the tournament as the team ‘Perfectly Glorious’.

*Connor’s Cure commercials are a heartwarming touch to the show, even though anything featuring Connor makes me cry.

*Hideo Itami may not speak perfect English, but he can still cut a promo putting over his opponent for tonight and continuing his beef with Austin Aries seamlessly.


*What was supposed to be the Ealy Brothers vs. The Revival turned out to be Samoa Joe wrecking shop on the Ealy’s. The Ealy’s? More like The Mulkey Brothers.

*I imagine Joe as a father who could cut amazing disciplinary promo’s on his children.

*Dan Matha is coming to NXT and he looks like ALL THE 80’s MUSCLE WRESTLERS

Ember Moon vs. Mandy Rose


*Graves infatuation with Mandy makes me upset. Which I guess is heat on the wrestler and announcer who are supposed to be heel.

*Whenever Ember vs. Asuka happens, I will already have the popcorn popped.

*Mandy gets in a solid punch which surprises me. She has offense!!

*Rose yelling at Ember about how Moon will never look like Mandy makes me wonder if, succeeding in hinges on good looks.

*Moon’s finisher is amazing, but the set up never seems natural. Also, how much can Ember’s tailbone handle? She has to have back problems on the daily.

*Ciampa and Gargano are in the Dusty Classic, which is where they debuted as a team. They are kind of like the team we watched grow from boys to men.

*Sanity is a new person coming to NXT. The video package to hype their debut seems to say the gimmick is ‘rioting’?

The Authors of Pain w/Paul Ellering vs. Jesus Yurnet and Jonathan Cruz

020_nxt_09152016ca_2335-9ff0f6d3464a2682bbeca4567d890fab*The Authors of Pain are managed by Paul Ellering, which makes him the Editor of Pain.

*AoP’s offense is so believable that I legit worry about their opponents. Like a gorilla press slam to the outside? Yeeesh!

*If I were facing the AoP, I would tell those who care about me to not watch the show.

*Paul Ellering talks quietly and makes us all pay attention to what he has to say. That is an undervalued skill.

*William Regal says he can’t get ahold of Shinsuke Nakamura. C’mon Regal! You’re the GM.. Know how to contact your talent!!

Liv Morgan vs. Asuka


*Liv doesn’t know how suspenders work. She comes to the ring with them hanging from her sides, and when the match starts she takes them off??

*People in the arena stand up when the first few chords of Asuka’s music plays, that is a star right there.

*I bet Izzy’s favorite wrestlers are Bayley, and whoever is wrestling Asuka.

*Asuka destroys Liv in a matter of minutes and then says “Nobody is ready for Asuka!”

Hideo Itami vs. Lince Dorado


*If Hideo kicks that hard in fake fighting, how hard does he kick when going full force?

*This is a sports entertainment match. Hideo wrestles like it is a real sport. Lince style is more entertainment. Like, Hideo is the Battle of Atlanta while Lince is Ricochet vs. Osprey .

*Why does NXT run commercials? Especially mid-match. The Network is paid for and the advertisements aren’t any non-WWE product. It has to be for the production team training right? It doesn’t help the match, that’s forsure.

*Based on how much wrestlers have to remember spots and parts of matches, I wonder what wrestler is the best at the card game Memory.

*The GTS is a move that no one has kicked out of and is a true definition of a finisher.

*Austinwas brought up multiple times throughout the night, so he had to make an appearance.

*Aries is someone I love to hate and who I constantly want to see beatin up and lose. He is good at his job.

*NXT is a great show but weird. We watch the show differently than Raw or Smackdown and we give NXT a lot more leniency as a wrestling show. It still deserves the praise that it gets, it’s just noticeable that NXT is not marketed towards the fan base that Raw and Smackdown are marketed to.

That was the show! Please remember to hit those share buttons and help my electricity stay on! Also, follow us on the Twittah Machine and join us in Facebook land

My name is Jake, and that is all I know… for now.

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